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Citation Data

This page provides data on how frequently MolMovDB-related work by the Gerstein lab has been cited in the literature. Note that it was last updated in June 2011.

Paper Title & LinkYear PublishedNo. Times Cited (as of 6/2011)
3V: cavity, channel and cleft volume calculator and extractor20102
RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes20101
Relating protein conformational changes to packing efficiency and disorder20092
RSEQtools2010A suite of tools that use Mapped Read Format (MRF) for the analysis of RNA-Seq experiments. MRF was developed to address privacy concerns associated with the potential for mRNA sequence reads to identify and genetically characterise specific individuals; it is a compact data summary format that enables anonymization of confidential sequence information, while maintaining the ability to conduct subsequent functional genomics studies. RSEQtools provides a suite of modules that convert to/from MRF data and perform common tasks such as calculating gene expression values, generating signal tracks of mapped reads, and segmenting that signal into actively transcribed regions.
RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes20101
RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes20101
RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes20101
RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes20101
RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes20101
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